anusha(salesforce developer)

Friday, 8 July 2016

AJAX in Apex

AJAX in Apex

The AJAX toolkit includes built-in support for invoking Apex through anonymous blocks or public webService methods. To do so, include the following lines in your AJAX code:
<script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Execute anonymously via sforce.apex.executeAnonymous (script). This method returns a result similar to theAPI's result type, but as a JavaScript structure.
• Use a class WSDL. For example, you can call the following Apex class:
global class myClass {
webService static Id makeContact(String lastName, Account a) {
Contact c = new Contact(LastName = lastName, AccountId = a.Id);
By using the following JavaScript code:
var account = sforce.sObject("Account");
var id = sforce.apex.execute("myClass","makeContact",

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